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बीए सेमेस्टर-2 - अंग्रेजी - इंगलिश पोएट्री
Objective Type Questions
For each of the following questions, four alternatives are given for the answer. Only one of them is correct. Choose the correct alternative.
1. How many types of poetic devices are used in poetry?
(a) Verbal and visual
(b) Structural and rhythmic
(c) Metrical and gramatical
(d) All of the above
2. What are three types of tones?
(a) Non assertive
(b) Agressive and assertive
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
3. What is difference between tone and mood?
(a) The attitude of a writer towards a subject or an audience conveyed through word choice.
(b) The overall feeling, atmosphere of a text often created by the author's use of imagery and words choice.
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
4. How many types of tones are used is poetry?
(a) Cheerful or depressive
(b) Sarcastic or sincere
(c) Comical or mournful
(d) All of the above
5. "Not even having the guts to do the job himself" is adressing which poetic device?
(a) Rhythm
(b) Informal and veritical tone
(c) Cheerful and Comical tone
(d) Theme
6. Is tone is called rhethorical device?
(a) Tone is the writer's attitude or feeling about subject of his text. It is special kind of rhethorical strategy.
(b) Tone is the writer's mood or attitude about theme of his subject.
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
7. The poem "Not My Best Side" by U.A. Fanthorpe used which type of poetic device?
(a) Staric tone
(b) Ironic tone
(c) Cheerful tone
(d) Critical tone
8. "For Lycidas is dead, dead are his prime young lycidas, and hath not left his peer." In this poetic lines Milton used which type of tone?
(a) Informal tone
(b) Ironic tone
(c) Mournful tone
(d) Staric tone
9. "For Lycidas is dead, dead are his prime young lycidas, and hath not left his peer." This poetic line is taken from Milton's which poetry?
(a) On his Blindness
(b) Lycidas
(c) Paradise Lost
(d) Paradise Regained
10. In Maya's Angelou's famous poem, "Still I Rise", poet used ......... tone in poetry?
(a) Somber, dark, serious
(b) Lofty, soaring, elevated
(c) Humourous, witty
(d) Dry, official, scientific
11. What is the tone of the American newspaper "The union"?
(a) A particularly stirring campaign speech
(b) A word letter of apology
(c) Sarcastic, satirical, Ironic
(d) A scientific paper
12. Which type of tone is used in Don Quixote?
(a) Satirical, Irony and parody
(b) Mournful tone
(c) Cheerful Tone
(d) None of them
13. Shakespeare's "As You Like it" is example of... tone of poetic forms.
(a) Humourous, witty, goofy
(b) A stand up comedy routine
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
14. What poetic devices does Dr. Seuss use?
(a) Alliteration, repetition and humour
(b) Somber, dark, serious, gloomy
(c) Satire, witty and goofy
(d) None of them
15. Which poetic device is used in U.A. Fanthorpe's "Not My Best Side" poem?
(a) Ironic tones
(b) Informal tone
(c) Comical or mournful tone
(d) None of them
16. How do you find the theme of a story?
What is theme in literature?
(a) The main idea or underlying meaning, a writer explores in a novel, short story or other literary work.
(b) The theme of a story can be conveyed using characters, setting, dialogue, plot, or a combination of all of these elements.
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
17. What are thematic topics?
What is a thematic concept?
(a) A work's thematic concept is what readers, "think the work is about".
(b) The thematic concept refers to what a reader understands the work to be about.
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
18. Is love a thematic concept?
(a) Love is one of the most universal themes is literature.
(b) The theme of love is underpins many of the stories.
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
19. What is a thematic statement?
(a) A thematic statement is a complete sentence that expresses a theme.
(b) Thematic statement is the particular agreement the writer makes about topic through his work.
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
20. "Humans judgement is imperfect" this line is example of... (poetic device) themes.
(a) Thematic concept
(b) Thematic statement
(c) Satire
(d) Irony
21. What are the thematic topics in literature?
(a) Good Vs. evil
(b) Love & revenge
(c) Courage and perseverance and redemption
(d) All above
22. What is the main theme of "The Great Gats by":
(a) Love and revenge
(c) Change and Tradition
(b) Love and marriage
(d) None of them
23. What is the theme of "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe?
(a) Colonialism
(b) Chage and tradition
(c) Social disintegration
(d) All of them
24. How are motifs used in Romeo and Juliet?
(a) Ligh and Dark
(b) Day and Night
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
25. What is the quote "so it goes" from?
(a) Slaughter House Five, by Kurt Vonnegut
(b) Hamlet by Shakespeare
(c) Great Gatsby by F. Scott
(d) None of them
26. A famous example, Kurt Vonnegut Novel....... "So it goes" phrase.
(a) Satire
(b) Leitwortstil
(c) Motif
(d) Irony
27. What are main theme of "The Road not taken"?
(a) Life is full of choices which will define our destinies
(b) It is illusory nature of free will
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
28. What literary devices are used in "The Road not taken"?
(a) Like road, fork in road
(b) Yellow woods
(c) These are examples of methaphor
(d) All of them
29. What is the most common rhythm is poetry?
(a) Iambic measure
(b) Pattern of music
(c) Two or three syllabus
(d) None of them
30. How is rhythm used in literature?
(a) Arrange stressed and unstressed syllabus in lines of verse.
(b) Rhythm described as the beat and pace of a poem.
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
31. What is rhyme scheme in poetry?
(a) Rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a line or stanza.
(b) It is the structure of end words of a verse or line that a poet needs to create when writing a poem:
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
32. What is ABAB rhyme scheme examples?
(a) Roses are red, violets are blue
(b) Shakespeare is dead, I had no idea
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
33. ABAB rhyme scheme is also called the ........ sonnet in english leterature?
(a) Shakespearean sonnet
(b) Miltonic sonnet
(c) Spenserian sonnet
(d) None of them
34. What is Shakespearean sonnet?
(a) The first and third lines rhyme
(b) Second and fourth lines rhyme
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of them
35. Who introduced iambic pentameter?
(a) Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
(b) Chaucher
(c) Shakespeare
(d) None of them
36. When was iambic pentameter first used?
(a) Chaucer
(b) Shakespeare
(c) Milton
(d) Spenser
37. What kind of rhyme scheme is "When I consider how my light is spent"?
(a) abbaabbacdecde - Petrarchan or Italian sonnet
(b) abAb - Shakespearean sonnet
(c) AABBCC - Coupled rhyme
(d) None of them
38. Unit of sound that construct words is:
(a) Tone
(b) Rhyme
(c) Meter
(d) Syllables
39. Identify the meter in which the heroic couplet is written :
(a) Iambic
(b) Iambic tetrameter
(c) Iambic hexameter
(d) Iambic pentameter
40. Which poetic form does reflect on death or loss?
(a) Epic
(b) Pastoral
(c) Elegy
(d) None of the above
41. Which poetry is a lengthy and narrative work of poetry?
(a) Elegy
(b) Ode
(c) Ballad
(d) Epic
42. Stressed and unstressed syllabic pattern in a verse or within the lines of a poem is called:
(a) Metre
(b) Rhythm
(c) Rhyme
(d) Alliteration
43. A contrast between expectation and reality is called:
(a) Alliteration
(b) Irony
(c) Soliloquy
(d) Oxymoron
44. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of Blank Verse?
(a) No fixed number of lines
(b) Can be composed in any kind of meter
(c) Often used in reflective poems
(d) It is unrhymed and unmetrical
45. Which poetic form deals with the natural world, rural life and landscapes?
(a) Ballad
(b) Elegy
(c) Ode
(d) Pastoral
46. Which poetry is written in fourteen lines?
(a) Sonnet
(b) Ballad
(c) Elegy
(d) None of the above
47. A poem made up of tercets and concludes with a couplet is called:
(a) Couplet
(b) Quintain
(c) Free Verse
(d) Terza Rima
48. Which poetic device is not based on the meaning of the words?
(a) Alliteration
(c) Allegory
(b) Allusion
(d) Irony
49. "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers", is an example of which Figure of Speech?
(a) Oxymoron
(b) Alliteration
(c) Hyperbole
(d) Apostrophe
50. ...... are short, witty and often satirical poems that usually take the form of a couplet or quatrain.
(a) Limerick
(b) Epigram
(c) Concrete poems
(d) Epitaph
51. The word 'sonnet' has been derived from the Italian word....... meaning 'a little strain'.
(a) Soneto
(b) Sonneto
(c) Sonnetto
(d) Sonetto
- Chapter - 1 Forms of Poetry & Stanza Forms
- Objective Type Questions
- Answers
- Chapter - 2 Poetic Device
- Objective Type Questions
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- Chapter - 3 "Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds" (Sonnet No. 116)
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- Chapter - 4 "On His Blindness"
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- Chapter - 5 "Present in Absence"
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- Chapter - 6 "Essay on Man”
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- Chapter - 7 "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”
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- Chapter - 8 "The World is Too Much with Us"
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- Chapter - 9 "Ode on a Grecian Urn"
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- Chapter - 10 "Break, Break, Break"
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- Chapter - 11 "How Do I Love Thee?"
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- Chapter - 12 "Dover Beach"
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- Chapter - 13 "My Last Duchess'
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- Chapter - 14 "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
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- Chapter - 15 "The Lake Isle of Innisfree"
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- Chapter - 16 "Church Going"
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- Chapter - 17 Rhetoric and Prosody - Practical Criticism
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